৭ম শ্রেণি ৬ষ্ঠ সপ্তাহের ইংরেজি এসাইনমেন্ট ২০২১ | Class 7 English Assignment 6th Week

৭ম শ্রেণি ৬ষ্ঠ সপ্তাহের ইংরেজি এসাইনমেন্ট ২০২১ তিনটি বিষয়ের অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট নির্ধারণ করা হয়েছে। বিষয়গুলো হল- ইংরেজি, কৃষি শিক্ষা ও গার্হস্থ্য বিজ্ঞান। আজকের পোস্টে- ৭ম শ্রেণি ৬ষ্ঠ সপ্তাহের ইংরেজি এ্যাসাইনমেন্ট ২০২১ / Class 7 English Assignment 6th Week 2021 এর নমুনা উত্তর নিয়ে আলোচনা করবো।

৭ম শ্রেণি ৬ষ্ঠ সপ্তাহের ইংরেজি এসাইনমেন্ট ২০২১ | Class 7 English Assignment 6th Week

Assignment Serial: Assignment-2, Chapter and Title of the Chapter: Unit 2: My study guide, Lesson no and Title: Lesson 1: Find your word, Other lessons: Lesson-2: Find your chapter;

1. Recall (write its adjective form and make a meaningful sentence)
2. Erase (write its noun form and make a meaningful sentence with this noun form)

3. Intelligent (write its noun form and make a meaningful sentence)
4. Performance (write its verb form and make a meaningful sentence)

5. wildly (write its adjective form and make a meaningful sentence)
6. Eminent (write its synonym and make a meaningful sentence with it)

7. Nervous ( write its synonym and make a meaningful sentence with it)
8. Engrave ( write its noun form and make a meaningful sentence with it)

9. admire ( write its noun form and make a meaningful sentence with it)
10. Poverty ( write its adjective form and make a meaningful sentence with it)

Assessment Rubrics:
Excellent: The name of dictionary with page number Correct meaning Correct part of speech Sentences grammatically correct.

Very good: The name of the dictionary with page number meaning with few mistakes part of speech with few mistakes. Sentences with few grammatical mistakes.

Good: The name of dictionary with page number meaning, with frequent mistakes part of speech, with frequent mistakes Sentences, with frequent grammatical mistakes.

Needs improvement: The name of dictionary with page number meaning with a lot of mistakes,
part of speech with a lot of mistakes Sentences with a lot of grammatical mistakes.

৭ম শ্রেণি ৬ষ্ঠ সপ্তাহের ইংরেজি এসাইনমেন্ট ২০২১ এর নমুনা উত্তর | Class 7 English Assignment 6th Week

meaning synonym part of speech and meaningful sentences

Keyword: Recall(verb)- ডাকিয়া ফেরানো (call back).

  • Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 607
  • Adjective form: Recallable
  • Sentence: He looked up and recalled the stars.

Keyword : Erase(verb)- মুছিয়া ফেলা (blot out).

  • Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 277
  • Adjective form: Erasable
  • Sentence: The incident is not erasable.

Keyword: Intelligent(adjective)- বুদ্ধিমান (endowed with a good intellect).

  • Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 405
  • Noun form: Intelligence
  • Sentence: Rakib is an intelligent boy.

Keyword: Performance(noun)- সম্পাদন (the act of performing)

  • Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 543
  • Verb form: Perform
  • Sentence: Robots can perform thousands of works at a time.

Keyword: Wildly(adverb)- বন্যভাবে (in a wild manner or condition)

  • Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 73
  • Adjective form: WildSentence: The rain drummed wildly on the roof.
  • meaning synonym part of speech and meaningful sentences

Keyword: Eminent(adjective)- বিখ্যাত (exalted in rank or office)

  • Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 268
  • Synonym: Lofty
  • Sentence: We are expecting the arrival of an eminent scientist.

Keyword: Nervous(adjective)- স্নায়ুবিশিষ্ট (having nerves)

  1. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 498
  2. Synonym: Timorous
  3. Sentence: It was a nervous situation.

Keyword: Engrave(verb)- নকশা খোদাই করা (carve devices upon)

  • Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 270
  • Adjective form : Engravable
  • Sentence: The image was engraved on the plaque.

Keyword: Admire(verb)- প্রশংসা করা (regard with love and esteem)

  1. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 22
  2. Adjective form: Admirable.
  3. Sentence: I admire the way you handled it.

Keyword: Poverty(noun)- দারিদ্র্যতা (lack of elements or qualities)

  • Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 570
  • Adjective form: Poor.
  • Sentence: Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage.
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