৮ম শ্রেণি ৬ষ্ঠ সপ্তাহের ইংরেজি এসাইনমেন্ট | Class 8 English Assignment 6th Week

৮ম শ্রেণি ৬ষ্ঠ সপ্তাহের ইংরেজি এসাইনমেন্ট ২০২১ তিনটি বিষয়ের অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট নির্ধারণ করা হয়েছে। বিষয়গুলো হল- ইংরেজি, কৃষি শিক্ষা ও গার্হস্থ্য বিজ্ঞান। আজকের পোস্টে- ৮ম শ্রেণি ৬ষ্ঠ সপ্তাহের ইংরেজি এ্যাসাইনমেন্ট ২০২১ / Class 8 English Assignment 6th Week 2021 এর নমুনা উত্তর নিয়ে আলোচনা করবো। The list of food items I take every day

৮ম শ্রেণি ৬ষ্ঠ সপ্তাহের ইংরেজি এসাইনমেন্ট | Class 8 English Assignment 6th Week

Assignment Serial: Assignment-2, Unit and Unit Tittle: Unit-2: Food and nutrition, Lesson no and Title Lesson-1: Good Food, Lesson-2: Kind of food, Lesson-3: Our daily diet.

Assignment: Lesson 3: Our daily diet Your Daily Diet, 1. Make a list of food items you take every day as breakfast, brunch (a meal between breakfast and lunch), lunch, afternoon tea small meal you can have in the afternoon, and dinner and, identify what kinds of food they are. For example-Protein, Carbohydrate, etc. 2. Decide if your daily diet is balanced. If yes, give reasons. 3. If it’s not, explain why not.

Instruction: Students will read lesson-2 & 3 and collect the necessary information completely from the assignment.

Assessment Rubrics:

Excellent: Students will be awarded “Éxcellent for relevant information, appropriate content & grammar, spelling, punctuation, complete communication, and creativity.

Very Good: Students will be awarded “Very Good’ for relevant information, appropriate content, and grammar, spelling, punctuation, partial communication, and creativity.

Good: Students will be awarded “Good’ for inadequate content, errors in grammar, spelling & punctuation mistakes, less communication, and creativity.

Needs Improvement: Students will be awarded “Needs Improvement for irrelevant information, inappropriate content, frequent grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes along with incomplete communication and creativity.

৮ম শ্রেণি ৬ষ্ঠ সপ্তাহের ইংরেজি এ্যাসাইনমেন্ট ২০২১ এর নমুনা উত্তর | Class 8 English Assignment 6th Week

Food is very important for our body. We can’t live without it. So, we must always have good food. Good food means the right kind of food for good health. It is nutritious. It must contain natural substances that our body needs to grow properly and stay healthy. But we must not eat too much though the food is good. Eating too much is bad for our health.

We have to eat only a certain amount of food that our body needs. So, we do not need the same kind of food in the same quantity. It depends on our growth and physical structure. For our good health, we must choose the right food in our daily diet.

The list of food items I take every day-

For breakfast :

Ruti – Carbohydrate
Egg – Protein
Yogurt with fruit or nuts – Vitamin
Milk – Protein

For brunch :

Banana – Vitamin
Bread – Carbohydrate
Vegetable Rolls – Carbohydrate, Fibre
Juice – Vitamin, Water

For Lunch :

Rice – Carbohydrate
Lentils – Carbohydrate
Vegetables – Vitamin, Fibre
Meat, Egg, Fish – Protein
Salad – Fibre

For Snacks :

Tea with milk – Protein
Noodles or Pasta – Carbohydrate, Fat
Biscuits – Carbohydrate

For Dinner :

Rice – Carbohydrate
Lentil – Carbohydrate
Curry with vegetables – Vitamin, Fiber
Fish – Protein

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